My name is Gabriel, raised in Flint, Michigan I now reside in the metro Detroit area. Coming from a poverty stricken area and a negative lifestyle, Im looking for a change and I want you to come with me. I am the founder and CEO of BlessedGang This is a brand & a Support Group; Not An ACTUAL GANG. None of the members or followers promote or take part In Gang Activity.
The name stems from this newer generation where everyone wants to be apart of a "GANG" so why not be apart of BLESSED Gang? Be blessed and bless others in need, our motto is BlessedGang spreading wealth and knowledge not ignorance and violence, Employ and empower unite and conquer. ​
We promote entrepreneurship, positive vibes & Unity. This movement is for everyone! men, women, the youth, the elderly & anyone that lives the BlessedGang WAY. positive people with kind hearts and a positive outlook on life that will contribute to our cause. if you want to join all you have to do is PROMOTE and bless anyone you can whenever you can; Everything counts no matter how big or how small the blessing.​
2017 we will be organizing community service groups and we will go out once a week to no profit organizations to lend helping hands to those in need. stay updated here on our site to be apart of the community service missions email me personally with your availability.
subscribe to all updates and you will be informed on all news & support missions. Volunteers will be needed and I come out of pocket for all expenses if I had more I could do a lot more. Donations will be accepted soon when I find the best and safest way to process those transactions from right here on the website. All proceeds will go to a great cause and ever penny will make a difference.
Biography And Merchandise COMING SOON !